Want to make your own “Less Than 90 Seconds”?

Are you an expert in a topic that you can explain in less than 90 seconds? Are you a member of the Heritage Corridor Business Alliance? If you answered "Yes" to both of those, then you can be featured on the next episode of "Less Than 90 Seconds." There is NO cost for members for this opportunity.
And, you'll be surprised how easy it is!
STEP 1: Contact Dan at dan@Myhcba.com or 630-257-5997 and let him know that you are interested in filming a "Less than 90 Seconds" video and what your topic is. This is just in case others have already expressed interest in that same topic (first come, first served). And, if someone already has your topic ... Dan will brainstorm with you on potential other topics.
STEP 2: Film yourself using your smart phone, computer web cam, or whatever tools you have at your disposal. Feel free to do multiple takes, as Dan can edit them together. Send your clips to Dan (he will give you instructions).
STEP 3: If you have footage available as "B-Roll" (aka "filler") or photos ... send those to Dan as well. The HCBA does have some access to stock footage, but there is no guarantees that we'll have exactly what you need.
STEP 4: Dan will go back and forth with you in terms of on screen graphics and texts, as well as review drafts during the process.
STEP 5: When you're happy with a draft, let Dan know that it's approved! He'll get it scheduled into our social media, e-newsletters, and more.
- Videos need to be "somewhat" educational, not 100% advertising. We say "somewhat" as with the time period allowed ... you're going to have to be very succinct and won't be able to cover a topic in entirety. Want to talk longer? You might be interested in being on the "Power Hour."
- Don't worry about introducing yourself. We'll make sure that's covered in the text on-screen and with the social posts.
- Don't worry about messing up! That's what editing is for. You'll even see some hard edits in Dan's video.
- Have fun! You're showcasing your expertise, but at the same time showcasing your personality. Those impressed and needing services will want to reach out to they feel that they have a connection to.