Government Affairs Recap – Week of February 13, 2023
The HCBA's goal with our Government Affairs recaps are to provide you with a summary of what is happening on a state, local, and national level - especially those items that may have an effect on your business. We will continue to update this page as meetings happen and as official minutes are released.
Latest Government Affairs Recaps

Village of Lemont
Village Board Meeting
Monday, February 14
In his address during his allotted time, Mayor Egofske acknowledged his new appointment as a State Representative and reiterated that his first priority is still his duties as the Mayor of Lemont.
The meeting consisted of the annexation and zoning of a residential area, a residential zoning reclassification, and other agreements for the village (including the down payment on a street sweeper and other repair needs).

Illinois Chamber of Commerce
The Illinois Chamber released its response to Governor Pritzker's State of the State address. A PDF of the official statement is here.
The State of Illinois weathered the fiscal disruption of the pandemic with a combination of federal assistance and generally prudent state budgets. While the current budget situation is good, we always have concerns about whether the budget proposals will build new permanent spending into the budget that the state will have difficulty in honoring when the inevitable economic downturns occur. Fiscal restraint when times are good will prepare the state for bad times.
We are gratified by the Governor's continued support of incenteive programs designed to promote new and existing Illinois businesses, including the data center tax incentives, drafted by the Illinois Chamber.